Back Pain During Pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy can be caused by numerous possible factors. It is frequently brought on by stress on the back muscles. During mid-pregnancy, as your uterus gets to be heavier, your center of gravity shifts and your posture adjusts as a result. The majority of women will start to lean back during the later stages of pregnancy, which in turn forces the back muscles to work much harder. Weak abdominal muscles can also bring about back pain. The muscles in the abdomen support the spine which is key in maintaining a healthy back. During pregnancy, these muscles end up stretched and can deteriorate thus creating back pain. These transformations can also make you more susceptible to injuries while exercising.

Pregnancy hormones can also be a factor in the onset of back pain. To help your newborn pass through your pelvis more easily, hormones relax the ligaments in the powerful, weight-bearing joints of the pelvis. This relaxing allows the joints to be more supple, however it can result in back pain if the joints become too loose. To assist in preventing or easing back pain, keep in mind the way in which you move, sit and stand.

Here are some ideas that might help:

  • Get help when lifting heavy items
  • Wear shoes with low heels (but not flat) that offer good arch support. If your mattress is too soft, insert a board in between the mattress and box spring.
  • When standing for long periods, place one foot on a stool or box.
  • Sit in chairs that provide good back support, or try a small pillow placed behind your lower back.
  • Don’t bend over at the waist to pick up anything- instead bend at the knees, and keep your back straight.
  • Make an effort to sleep on your side with 1 or 2 pillows placed in-between your legs for added support.

 Another thing you can do to ease back pain is to apply heat or cold to the painful area and/or massage it. Back exercises can help reduce back pain. These exercises will also help to get you prepared for labor and delivery. Staying active throughout the pregnancy may also help to ease back pain. Water aerobics and walking are safe options throughout pregnancy and are beneficial for the back. If you experience significant pain, or if pain continues for longer than two weeks, you should speak to your medical care provider. Do not attempt to begin treating yourself. Back pain can also be brought on by other difficulties. Back pain is among the primary signs of preterm labor. You should also speak to your doctor if you are experiencing burning during urination, a fever, or vaginal bleeding.